Set Delivery Location via "what3words"
Difficult to find addresses can benefit from adding their what-3-words location to their address profile via the courier apps. Here is how
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Difficult to find addresses can benefit from adding their what-3-words location to their address profile via the courier apps. Here is how
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What3words provides a simple way to pinpoint your address location, which can help couriers find addresses that are either too new to be on the map or are just generally troublesome. What3Words will get them right to your front door!
Click on the link above to open the site and ensure the pinpoint is at the correct location. Note down the 3 words provided, such as "fight.brown.air"
These profile will be linked to your address and are used for all deliveries from this courier to this address, not just ours. Set this up once and save a lot of potential hassle going forward.